Sign Riley Strains Petition


He needs us to help him since he cannot do it himself

Riley Strain dissapeared on March 8th after leaving a  bar in Nashville. He was visiting Tennessee with his college fraternity. After being overserved, the bar made Riley leave.  Leaving intoxicated and dissoriented, (ntm was a visitor) Riley's body was found March 22. Im asking for everybody to sign this petition to pass "The Riley Act" This law would make bars  and staff mandatory to call cabs and ubers for intoxicated &  disoriented  individuals. Lets not let Riley's tragedy end in vein. Please keep his family in your prayers and help keep our kids safe. We were all young once and made choices such as over drinking. or simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.  It is a business owner's responsibility for safety not only at their establishment,.but also for their customers' to  leave safely.


Video Length: 00:39

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